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Skyline To The Sea Trail – Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Skyline To The Sea Trail – Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Skyline To The Sea Trail – Big Basin Redwoods State Park

Location: Saratoga, CA
Difficulty: Moderate
Features: Hiking trails, bird watching, no dogs, incredible scenery, beach, waterfall, wildlife observation

An almost 30 mile hiking trail stretching from the ridge of the Santa Cruz Mountains in California to the Pacific Ocean, the Skyline to the Sea Trail passes through Castle Rock State Park and California’s oldest state park, Big Basin Redwoods State Park. The Skyline to the Sea Trail takes hikers on a journey from East to West, and literally from skyline to ocean. It starts from the Saratoga Gap on the ridge at the SR 9 and Skyline Boulevard intersection. Moreover, other hikers start at Castle Rock. The trail then crosses the highway and follows through SR 236 to the Big Basin Headquarters. It then descends to Big Basin following the Waddell Creek to the outlet as Waddell Beach.

Top 3 Adventure Hacks

1) Bring a camera

The trail stretches from the ridge of the Santa Cruz Mountains in California to the Pacific Ocean, and is literally a skyline to sea trail. Moreover, you don’t want to miss a picturesque view of the ocean.

2) Use a comfortable backpack

Long treks on technical terrain can be very straining. Thus, it is important to use a backpack that fits perfectly and curves according to your spine.

3) Don’t get lost

Trails can go for miles. Of course, you don’t want to get lost! A map, GPS, compass are essential devices that can help you located campsites, water, and an emergency exit route in case of emergency.

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