20 Plants You Never Want To Touch While On Adventure
- Poison Ivy: This plant is notorious for causing itchy rashes and blisters that can last for weeks. It grows in most of the United States, and its leaves are shiny and usually grow in groups of three.
- Poison Oak: Similar to poison ivy, this plant also causes a rash that can be very uncomfortable. It has leaves that are shaped like oak leaves and grow in groups of three.
- Poison Sumac: This plant is less common than poison ivy and poison oak, but it is just as harmful. It has leaves that are shaped like feathers and grow in groups of seven to thirteen.
- Stinging Nettle: This plant has fine hairs on its leaves and stem that can cause a painful sting when touched. It grows in most of the United States and is often found in wooded areas.
- Giant Hogweed: This plant can cause severe skin irritation and even blindness if its sap gets into your eyes. It grows in the northeastern United States and can reach up to 14 feet tall.
- Wild Parsnip: This plant can cause a severe rash if its sap gets on your skin and then is exposed to sunlight. It grows in most of the United States and has yellow flowers.
- Giant Cow Parsnip: This plant can cause a severe rash if its sap gets on your skin and then is exposed to sunlight. It grows in the western United States and can reach up to 10 feet tall.
- Manchineel: This tree is found in Florida and the Caribbean and is one of the most poisonous trees in the world. All parts of the tree, including the fruit and sap, can cause severe skin irritation and even blindness.
- Jimsonweed: This plant can cause hallucinations, seizures, and even death if ingested. It grows in most of the United States and has large white or purple flowers.
- Water Hemlock: This plant is found throughout the United States and is one of the most toxic plants in North America. All parts of the plant are poisonous and can cause seizures, coma, and death.
- Angel’s Trumpet: This plant contains powerful hallucinogens that can cause delirium and even death if ingested. It grows in warmer climates and has large trumpet-shaped flowers.
- Foxglove: This plant contains powerful cardiac glycosides that can cause irregular heartbeat, nausea, and even death if ingested. It grows in most of the United States and has pink, purple, or white flowers.
- Pokeweed: This plant can cause stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea if ingested. It grows in most of the United States and has large clusters of dark berries.
- Oleander: This plant is one of the most toxic plants in the world and can cause heart failure, seizures, and even death if ingested. It grows in warmer climates and has pink or white flowers.
- Castor Bean: This plant contains ricin, a highly toxic protein that can cause organ failure and death if ingested. It grows in warmer climates and has large, spiky seed pods.
- Yew: This tree contains toxic alkaloids that can cause nausea, dizziness, and even death if ingested. It grows in most of the United States and has dark green needles.
- Nightshade: This plant contains toxic alkaloids that can cause hallucinations, seizures, and even death if ingested. It grows in most of the United States and has white or purple flowers.
- Pothos: This houseplant contains oxalates that can cause mouth and throat irritation, nausea, and vomiting if ingested. It is often found in homes and offices.
- Dieffenbachia: This houseplant contains oxal